Ability to configure multiple special days

2 votes

I would love to see the ability to either have special day 1, special day 2, special day 3 or have a way to have a branch that can look at the name of the special day and associate a specific simple play. (company opening late - meetings, company closing early, holiday)

Everything is configurable except the Business Process to link it all together. you can add special day, add times, upload .wav recordings but you can only have 1 simple play for special days in Business Process.

In my company I have multiple Business processes so to change the simple play for special days means going into each and every one of them
To upload the new recording is a possibility but it is not something that can be done by a manager and the manager is the person I want to be managing the opening and closings.
I realize we could have a generic "we are closed message" but for better customer service, we want to be able to tell our customers when we expect to be open again.

Done ECS Suggested by: Lisa Tran Upvoted: 11 Apr, '22 Comments: 1

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