Our customers made these suggestions for improving Contact Center (CCaaS). Suggestions for improving Contact Center (CCaaS).
This board is monitored and moderated to permit valid software and platform feature requests. Please post in English. For new features, attempt to accurately name and describe the item to get the best community support and involvement.
Let caller record their name in the call back queue
When a customer calls in and wants a call back, we have a hard time finding that particular person, because we are calling back into an office of over 500 people. The ...
Be able to see more than 5 queues in call center supervisor client
Right now our call center manager can not monitor all of our queues. He can only see 5 at any given time. For us that leaves 3 queues not monitored.
ECS Web Agent - ACD Status in Tab, alert if ACD status changes
Agents may not have window open, may be minimized. Need to alert Agent.
Not planned
ECS Web Agent - Transfer to voicemail button in contacts
Agents may want to transfer callers directly to a voicemail box.
Please create training option for phone shadowing.
Can you add a feature to train new hires remotely by shadowing a trainer?
If a trainer and trainees are set, they can form a conference call automatically whenever ...
Under consideration
Option to filter out spam calls from abandoned
Change anything under one minute to not appear as abandoned, but as potential spam. Still allow the customer to pull those numbers and they can decide if they were ...
Filter Wallboard for Short Abandoned
We believe it would be helpful to set a filter on the wallboard to not count short abandoned calls. The user can set the threshold on what defines a short abandoned. ...
Under consideration
ECS Reports
Ability to pull reporting historical. with a specific time, window. Example: 5p-6a and 6a-5p without having to run the report daily.
Not planned
Individual ASA Report- Elara Service Desk team
As of today we are able to generate the Group ASA but we are looking for generating individual ASA Report on a daily basis
Option to Leave a Conference that you've started in ECS
If you want to warm transfer two people to introduce them, you have to consult an agent, start a conference, end the conference, retrieve one call, then transfer. ...
ECS audio file upload / edit
Allow client administrators to manage their own audio (was) files via the ECS administrator portal.
Ability to configure multiple special days
I would love to see the ability to either have special day 1, special day 2, special day 3 or have a way to have a branch that can look at the name of the special day ...
Call Center Agent Management page - Should show more details
Call Center Agent Management page - Should show more details
Since there are functional limitations based upon the brand/model of the telephone set, the Call ...
ecs change audio
Currently our users are having issues selecting their audio output. I would like to be able to control which audio in/out that ECS is using such as system Default, or ...
Adjust call recording title to include the BP/queue name
This will allow us to be able to more easily search in call recordings that have been exported via SFTP to another location, off the Evolve platform.
Under consideration
ECS - Short calls should not count as missed in reports
As of now, if a caller abandons the call during an offer to an agent in ECS, the call is counted as both abandoned and missed. There should be an option in ECS ...
Under consideration
May we ask to have a Widget for the call center dashboard showing Outbound agents
We would like to keep track of outbound agents calls from Dashboard, but the widget is currently unavailable
Under consideration
API needed to be able to dial or make calls with ECS
Right now there is no good way to automatically make a call from our ERP system using ECS. While we can highlight and use the Ctrl +C to auto populate, ctrl+C is ...
Under consideration
User status in the directory of ECS need to indicate offline
At this point if a non-contact center person using UCone is on the phone, the status in the user directory of ECS is red but otherwise it is green. If the user in ...
Under consideration
Placing Abandoned Calls Back in Call Back Queue
My understanding is that currently only managers can schedule abandoned calls to receive call backs. I am requesting one of two feature options to solve this issue. ...
Under consideration
Requesting a custom report
need a report that contains the data shown in the image, if you need more info the actual report can be emailed.
Not planned
Post Call Survey Data - Last Agent
Currently, the Post Call Survey report "9.01 PCS Detail" shows multiple agents who handled the call listed in the survey transaction. However, the report does not ...
Create dialer that will allow us to create dialers that won’t launch calls if we choose not to
Create a true preview dialer that will allow us to create dialers that won’t launch calls if we choose not to
Under consideration
Allow Calls to Ring Both Headset and Speaker for Internal Voip Phone
Customer notes that when taking calls on "Internal Voip Phone" in ECS, inbound calls can either ring the headset or the speakers but not both. Customer is asking for ...
Play regular closed message after Special Day hours
An example of a special day is us opening our call center later for our agents to attend a company meeting at the start of the day. What I would like to have is the ...
Be able to manually schedule a call back
An agent handles an incoming ECS call, then give the customer his direct number.
The customer calls back directly and agent gets call in UC1.
Customer would like a ...
Supervisor Portal should have the same break disposition code options as the Agent portal
Right now, some of my team must have two login ID's because we do not have the same phone functionality in the Supervisor queue. Specifically, we would need the break ...
Under consideration
ECS Reports - ability to download report without having to view
Some reports take forever to show. If the users walk away they come back to find it crashed. Maybe downloading without the view would be more successful
Under consideration
ECS Auto Attendant - Dial by Name - Improve Name Recognition Options
An ability where the Directory Lookup feature can pull Directory results that are 'close' to what the system registers as input. For instance, if the system ...
Under consideration
Schedule Agent Business Process Assignment
We'd like to be able to add a schedule for an agent to cover a different BP without having to manually move the agent each day.
Example: Agent 1 needs to primarily ...
Under consideration
I would like to know when an agent disconnects the call vs when the caller disconnects the call
I would like to know when an agent disconnects the call vs when the caller disconnects the call in order to determine if an agent is disconnecting calls.
AD\ECS Directory Sync
Client suggests the option of synchronizing contacts/users and phone numbers from Active Directory to ECS.
This will enable Reception to find a number quickly ...
Under consideration
ECS - Teams Status integration.
Had a client suggest that ECS status and Teams status be connected. ie.. unavailable in Teams = unavailable in ECS
Different Options for 5.02 Business Process Interaction Performance Intervals
Would be helpful to have an option for 30 minute intervals on Sub Table Accumulated By in the 5.02 report.
Suggested by:
Autumn Salama on behalf of Customer
(14 Dec, '21)
Upvoted: 14 Dec, '21
Comments: 1
Under consideration
ECS Chat - Push Chat if user is on a website for X time
Navigant Credit Union is asking for Push Chat feature if user is on their website for X amount of time, the chat will pop up asking if they need help.
Wallboard - New Widget Picture for Service Level
Prefer a plan circle that is Green, Yellow or Red with the Service Level % listed rather than the speedometer.
Under consideration
WallBoard - Option for AB% in Widgets
With the new wallboard only have the option for total number of abandoned interactions and need to manually calculate the AB rate. Would like short AB not included.
Under consideration
Adding Outbound calls widget to Dashbord/Wallboard
We would need a widget for Outbound calls in the Dashboard/Wallboard.
Reference: Ticket REQ-9630
Under consideration
User-Edit from Call Center Agents Action menu
User-Edit from Call Center Agents Action menu
We need to be able to get to the User Edit screens from the Actions Menu on the Call Center Agents page.
This ...
Under consideration
Call Center Supervisor - Agent Skill Level change
Call Center Supervisor needs to have the ability to change the Agent Skill Level - in real time.
Under consideration
Colorblind options within ECS
Currently, I am unable to see the call flow within ECS due to red/green colorblindness. Any attempts to play with colorblind options within Windows have not been ...
Not planned
Agent Availability Default Status
The "force agent to unavailable on not reachable" does not work properly. By default after a phone registers the phone goes to unavailable. Our stores do not use ...
Not planned
I have been getting so many spam calls that I’ve not been picking up my phone
Our Evolve phone system seems to just run great but there is a matter that I’d like you to be aware of. Our CST Oak Brook, Il DID lines have been getting spammed with ...
Not planned
Call Announcement Feature
Have the phone system verbally announce the BP or queue the call is coming from as the screen pop opens and before the customer is live on the phone line.
This will ...
After Call Work (ACW) Separate from Break
Create a status specifically for After Call Work (ACW), separate from the other options under Break. This will allow call centers to get a true call handle time, ...
Under consideration
When an employee makes an internal call to a BP we need the agent/extension to show up in ECS
Right now when an employee makes a call to a BP the outside CLID shows in the reports. We have CLID set to our main number because we do not want agents DIDs to show ...
Under consideration
ECS Wrap time after warm transfer
When we transfer calls to another BP, we (agent) stays on the phone until another agent answers the call. We do not get wrap time, and another call is presented ...
Not planned
Estimated Wait Time Should Include all Relevant Queues
If agents are assigned to more than one queue, Estimated Wait Time should take that into account by adjusting the Estimated Wait Time to include all queues that share ...
Under consideration
ECS options to find open agent options
Currently you can only use idle time or skills to find open agents. Can circular be added or other options.
Under consideration