API needed to be able to dial or make calls with ECS

2 votes

Right now there is no good way to automatically make a call from our ERP system using ECS. While we can highlight and use the Ctrl +C to auto populate, ctrl+C is used for so many other things my call center/order entry folks use it is impractical because it grabs things that are not even phone numbers and pops open ECS. We could get around this by pushing a number from our ERP to ECS but it needs an API or the ability to simply hand a callto: function. While we can use other commands to make the call through UC1 or Teams, that defeats the point - we are trying to track the calls from our call center and they should be making all calls from ECS - this is a significant hole and an inconvenience

Under consideration Suggested by: Lisa Tran Upvoted: 10 Dec, '20 Comments: 0

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